Sigrid and Agnete
There's something about short pigtails on a middle-aged woman that makes me shudder. Well honestly, Adrienne Berene, the head of the Skingrad Mages Guild, wasn't bad looking, and there was something cute about pigtails, but it just didn't quite fit her. Her hair was pulled back in a really severe schoolteacher sort of way, which rather fitted her personality. Adreinne was blunt and no-nonsense, and generally didn't have a lot of time for anyone.

Even before the Oblivion crisis she was this way, but with Kvatch reduced to an ashen heap, she was busier than ever. I think she had dreaded me to be a new Mages Guild wannabe, but I had Carahil's recommendation behind me and her whole outlook brightened.
After Kvatch and closing the Oblivion gate, I had determined I wouldn't play hero anymore, but Adrienne bluntly told me she needed something done, and as she'd run out of staff to do it, she was sending me -- That is, if I wanted any sort of recommendation from her. And a recommendation was required for promotion and proper access to the Arcane University in the Imperial City.
She wasn't the type to be sweet-talked (and besides, schmoozing Carahil in Anvil had landed me a dangerous assignment) so I agreed.
"It's about Erthor. He's one of our guild members. I wouldn't have sent him away to conduct his experiments elsewhere if he weren't so careless with summoning Scamps. Anyway, with these Oblivion Gates popping up all over the place, it would really be much safer if he were back here--And besides, I could put him to good use.
"I sent him to Bleak Flats Cave, not far from here. To the north. And with daedra crawling everywhere, you'd better be prepared. Do you know any good combat spells? No? Here, try this simple fireball. Not very powerful, but easy to cast. Destruction spells are this Guild's specialty, you know, and this weak fireball is actually optimized to be highlyl magicka efficient -- Good for someone with your, um, condition."
I'd of course explained to her my "condition", which is an inability to quickly recover my innate reserves of magic that every mage hones to give them a deep well from which to draw and cast either powerful spells, or many spells over a long period of time -- say, when fighting off hellish hordes trying to eat you alive.
"And once you've retrieved Erthor, come back immediately. I've another assignment for you, since you're headed east to the Imperial City anyway. No, it won't be necessary for my recommendation letter, but you'll be in the University's good graces, I assure you. Now run along."
I picked up a few supplies from the Guild on my way out, mostly alchemical, and met up with Sigrid in the lobby. She was just about ready to go as well. She'd been a member of the Kvatch Mages Guild, and was probably the very last one, so there was quite a bit of paperwork for her, probably equal parts report writing and administrivia.
From the Guild she raided their supply cabinets and closets for some serviceable clothes, food, and assorted supplies -- Guild membership certainly had privileges! (And dangerous assignments, unfortunately).
I had begged her not to mention to anyone anything about my having closed the Kvatch Oblivion Gate, lest it got me labelled a "hero" and given life-threatening hero assignments. As it was, looking for this Erthor fellow, though it sounded like just a stroll into the north country, might do me in.
"Let's drop by my sister's first," she said.
She'd agreed to introduce me to the Skingrad alchemist Falanu, who hailed from far-off Morrowind and who had a well-stocked store here in Skingrad. I didn't know Sigrid had a sister.
"Agnete," replied Sigrid. "She's an armorer. I was the black sheep of the family, going into alchemy."
The smithy was called Hammer and Tongs, and was a clean and well-kept establishment. The morning sun flooded in through east-facing tall windows behind the counter, forcing me to shield my eyes.
A tinkling brass bell attached to the top of the store's front door had announced our presence but no one came to greet us.
"Sis?" Sigrid called.
"Not so loud, please. What a headache I've got..." came a moan from a side door.
A tired-looking Nord woman of impressive build staggered into the room, her eyes squinting at the sun. There was alcohol on her breath and she was clearly hung over, but still managed to give us that same friendly, cute, smile that Sigrid had. She came over to Sigrid immediately and gave her sister a desperate hug.
"I was so worried," she confessed, and they both cried, Sigrid for her loss and Agnete over the joy that her sister had survived the Kvatch disaster.
"Look who I've brought -- The Hero of Kvatch!" Sigrid proudly introduced me.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," I said.
"You saved my baby sister. What would you like? Can I repair your armor for you? Would you like one of my fine maces?"
She gestured around her store at her wares. There were only a couple of swords, all Legion standard issue. Apparently her specialty was blunts.
"Oh, his mace is just fine," Sigrid smirked. She grabbed my ass.
Agnete raised a brow. "Really? I'm interested in all kinds of weapons. You'll have to show me some time."
She came over and pressed herself against me, so that between the two tall Nord sisters I was in a divine sandwich.
Agnete placed one strong, rough, blacksmith's hand down there and sized me up.
"How about right now?" I whispered, and leaned in to kiss her.
Agnete took my hand and led me upstairs. I heard the jingle of the store's front door bell and Sigrid latching it shut. Then she rushed to join us.
Even before the Oblivion crisis she was this way, but with Kvatch reduced to an ashen heap, she was busier than ever. I think she had dreaded me to be a new Mages Guild wannabe, but I had Carahil's recommendation behind me and her whole outlook brightened.
After Kvatch and closing the Oblivion gate, I had determined I wouldn't play hero anymore, but Adrienne bluntly told me she needed something done, and as she'd run out of staff to do it, she was sending me -- That is, if I wanted any sort of recommendation from her. And a recommendation was required for promotion and proper access to the Arcane University in the Imperial City.
She wasn't the type to be sweet-talked (and besides, schmoozing Carahil in Anvil had landed me a dangerous assignment) so I agreed.
"It's about Erthor. He's one of our guild members. I wouldn't have sent him away to conduct his experiments elsewhere if he weren't so careless with summoning Scamps. Anyway, with these Oblivion Gates popping up all over the place, it would really be much safer if he were back here--And besides, I could put him to good use.
"I sent him to Bleak Flats Cave, not far from here. To the north. And with daedra crawling everywhere, you'd better be prepared. Do you know any good combat spells? No? Here, try this simple fireball. Not very powerful, but easy to cast. Destruction spells are this Guild's specialty, you know, and this weak fireball is actually optimized to be highlyl magicka efficient -- Good for someone with your, um, condition."
I'd of course explained to her my "condition", which is an inability to quickly recover my innate reserves of magic that every mage hones to give them a deep well from which to draw and cast either powerful spells, or many spells over a long period of time -- say, when fighting off hellish hordes trying to eat you alive.
"And once you've retrieved Erthor, come back immediately. I've another assignment for you, since you're headed east to the Imperial City anyway. No, it won't be necessary for my recommendation letter, but you'll be in the University's good graces, I assure you. Now run along."
I picked up a few supplies from the Guild on my way out, mostly alchemical, and met up with Sigrid in the lobby. She was just about ready to go as well. She'd been a member of the Kvatch Mages Guild, and was probably the very last one, so there was quite a bit of paperwork for her, probably equal parts report writing and administrivia.
From the Guild she raided their supply cabinets and closets for some serviceable clothes, food, and assorted supplies -- Guild membership certainly had privileges! (And dangerous assignments, unfortunately).
I had begged her not to mention to anyone anything about my having closed the Kvatch Oblivion Gate, lest it got me labelled a "hero" and given life-threatening hero assignments. As it was, looking for this Erthor fellow, though it sounded like just a stroll into the north country, might do me in.
"Let's drop by my sister's first," she said.
She'd agreed to introduce me to the Skingrad alchemist Falanu, who hailed from far-off Morrowind and who had a well-stocked store here in Skingrad. I didn't know Sigrid had a sister.
"Agnete," replied Sigrid. "She's an armorer. I was the black sheep of the family, going into alchemy."
The smithy was called Hammer and Tongs, and was a clean and well-kept establishment. The morning sun flooded in through east-facing tall windows behind the counter, forcing me to shield my eyes.
A tinkling brass bell attached to the top of the store's front door had announced our presence but no one came to greet us.
"Sis?" Sigrid called.
"Not so loud, please. What a headache I've got..." came a moan from a side door.
A tired-looking Nord woman of impressive build staggered into the room, her eyes squinting at the sun. There was alcohol on her breath and she was clearly hung over, but still managed to give us that same friendly, cute, smile that Sigrid had. She came over to Sigrid immediately and gave her sister a desperate hug.
"I was so worried," she confessed, and they both cried, Sigrid for her loss and Agnete over the joy that her sister had survived the Kvatch disaster.
"Look who I've brought -- The Hero of Kvatch!" Sigrid proudly introduced me.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," I said.
"You saved my baby sister. What would you like? Can I repair your armor for you? Would you like one of my fine maces?"
She gestured around her store at her wares. There were only a couple of swords, all Legion standard issue. Apparently her specialty was blunts.
"Oh, his mace is just fine," Sigrid smirked. She grabbed my ass.
Agnete raised a brow. "Really? I'm interested in all kinds of weapons. You'll have to show me some time."
She came over and pressed herself against me, so that between the two tall Nord sisters I was in a divine sandwich.
Agnete placed one strong, rough, blacksmith's hand down there and sized me up.
"How about right now?" I whispered, and leaned in to kiss her.
Agnete took my hand and led me upstairs. I heard the jingle of the store's front door bell and Sigrid latching it shut. Then she rushed to join us.
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