Dairihill part 4

After our exertions, skinny dipping in the Abecean Sea was the perfect way to end our date. Dunbarrow Cove opened out seaward on the south side, and the large rock formations shielded the entrance from the castle. With surprising confidence, Dairihill explained that we could strip down while safely hidden from even the guardsmen on the tallest castle towers.
Clearly she'd done this before. I would never have imagined what a wild thing she was at heart!

I had heard of some interesting shipwrecks off coast not far from Anvil and had some Potions of Water Breathing brewed for in anticipation, and now shared them with my surprisingly playful companion.

It seemed our recent intimacy had loosed her up considerably with me, and her fun, girly side emerged. We slinked in and out of the wrecks playing hide-and-seek, and turned over sunken barrels and chests looking for loot. All we emerged with were some young mudcrabs, which might seem rather boring, but they do have tasty meat. And besides, one's dining companion often makes all the difference -- Suppose, for example, your companion happened to be an intelligent, chatty, and stark naked buxom wood elf warming herself by the campfire.

To be fair to her, I was naked too. But whereas she could attribute her erect nipples to the occasional cool breeze, I was at a loss to explain why my manhood stood rigidly at attention, and had to endure endless ribbing from her. It was all in good fun, and honestly she was quite witty about it.

When at last she got dressed to return to Castle Anvil (already very tardy from our sidetrips and alas definitely unable to accept a dinner by the harbour watching the sunset), I found myself praying to the Nine Divines that she could remain just as she was with me now, her playful delightful self. And not have to revert to a cool professional demeanour, as Carahil had done.

And Arielle too.



We parted ways at the harbour. I dropped by a florist's to arrange for flowers to be delivered. Two bouquets: One for Dairihill, of course; and a sizable one for Beatrice Gene, who got stuck with Dairihill's duties while we had our little getaway.

I was feeling very contented and basking in the happy afterglow of a wonderful date when I suddenly realized I hadn't managed that recommendation of Carahil to the Countess at all.


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